Cetim Procor

The most powerful cathodic protection software with hybrid system for verification and design


  • Verification and validation of existing protection systems to facilitate decision making
  • Optimization of hybrid cathodic protection, technically and economically
  • Reduction of maintenance costs by evaluating life cycle of installations
  • Optimization of the electric signature of military and non-military structures at sea


  • Structure installation: underground pipelines and buried, pumping stations, storage tanks
  • Maritime industry: military vessels, submarines, offshore structures, FPSO
  • Energy and utilities: complex storage capacity for corrosive liquids, chemical waste, water heater tanks
  • Renewable energy: offshore renewable power generators


  • Computation of hybrid solutions for 100% efficient cathodic protection systems, supported by a validation process and on-site experimentation
  • Accurate computation with complex geometry and polarization by monitoring Ohmic drop in long structures, infinite domains, structural nodes etc.
  • Focused on non-homogenous and complex conditions i.e. structures immersed, submerged or buried in various undesirable environments
  • Access to a team of experts in failure analysis in corrosive environment


For new cathodic protection system:

  • Selection of the best hybrid protection system: Galvanic anodes & impressed currents
  • Estimate the necessary investment
  • Estimate the anodes and structure life-time
  • Optimize the installation and maintenance costs
  • Specify the maintenance control points
  • Optimize the environmental impact of the cathodic protection

For existing systems:

  • Verify the efficiency of the existing protection
  • Identify any under or over-protected areas
  • Control the current flux from anodes
  • Compute the polarization time
  • Estimate of the remaining life of the protection

Procor capabilities:

  • Modelling of structure’s surfaces only
  • Used elements: 6-node triangles, 8-node quadrangles, 3-node tubes
  • Integration of heterogeneous conductive media
  • Non-linear polarization laws
  • Dynamic polarization conditions in function of the polarization time
  • Integration of local defects and ageing of the coating
  • Electrical conditions in semi-infinite and infinite regions
  • Ohmic drop in the tubes


  • 100% focused on industrial concerns and environment: interface, risk analysis, environmental constraints
  • 100% focused complex structures protection with hybrid solutions: consider structures in buried or submerged environments, accurately assess the electrical field’s distribution
  • 100% focused on optimization processing based on user requirements: optimize key characteristics with parametric studies, get the best technical and financial trade-off
  • Validated: continuous checking of the data compliance and validation: Cetim as the only software editor having workshops to perform field tests
  • 450 experts of worldwide providing expertise sessions in addition to training: Cetim as the only editor with such recognized field expertise