Mechanical components are largely made up of metallic materials. This is true, however, when damage occurs, we need to have proficient knowledge of metallic materials as well as non-metallic materials. The Catalogue of Cetim Academy training courses aggregates all modules that cover these two areas. In the case of metallic materials, the courses offered include “Conducting failure analysis: methodology, case studies regarding the fracture of metallic parts” and “Analysing the failure of metallic materials”, as well as modules covering metallurgy and metallography of aluminium and cast iron. In this area, the modules “Chemical analysis by spectroscopy on metallic products” and “Residual stresses: influence on the service life and safety of parts” can also provide manufacturers with valuable skills.
In terms of non-metallic materials, four modules are recommended, namely “Analysis of damage affecting plastic, elastomer and composite materials” as well as two courses focused on the failure analysis of rubber parts and elastomer parts. Manufacturers can also attend “Mechanical and physical-chemical characterisation of composites”, which is aimed at controlling the principles of mechanical and physical-chemical tests, their usefulness and interpretation to determine the properties of composite materials.
Learn more about our Failure Analysis Trainings in Cetim Matcor!